
USU Math 4610

Table of Contents

Generate Right Side Software Manual

Routine Name: Generate Right Side

Author: Philip Nelson

Language: C++. The code can be compiled using the GNU C++ compiler (gcc). A make file is included to compile an example program

For example,


will produce an executable ./gen.out that can be executed.

Description/Purpose: This code will generate the right hand side of a system of equations by multiplying the matrix above into a vector of ones

Input: A matrix

Output: A vector which is the result of multiplying the matrix above into a vector of ones


int main()
  auto m = generate_square_symmetric_diagonally_dominant_matrix(5);
  auto b = generate_right_side(m);
  std::cout << " M\n" << m << std::endl;
  std::cout << " b\n" << b << std::endl;

Output from the lines above

|      -10.6     -4.21      2.48    -0.397     -1.41 |
|      -4.21     -9.11     -1.03     -6.73     -6.91 |
|       2.48     -1.03      6.93     0.521      -1.1 |
|     -0.397     -6.73     0.521       -13      5.07 |
|      -1.41     -6.91      -1.1      5.07     -16.3 |

[      -14.1       -28       7.8     -14.6     -20.6 ]

explanation of output:

A matrix and the produced right side

Implementation/Code: The following is the code for generate_right_side

template <typename T>
inline std::vector<T> generate_right_side(Matrix<T> m)
  return m * std::vector<T>(m.size(), 1);

Last Modified: October 2018