
Computer Science Coursework

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Homework 6

Language: C++


Test problems from 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 of the text.

int main() {
    cout << "Problem 1: Explicit Euler" << endl;
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk - h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.1
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.2
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + 100 * h * y; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3

    cout << "Problem 2: Implicit Euler" << endl;
    cout << impEuler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000,
      [=](T y, T yk){ return y-yk - h*y; }, [=](T y, T yk){ return 1 - h; }) << endl;                    // 7.1
    cout << impEuler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000,
      [=](T y, T yk){ return y- yk + h*y; }, [=](T y, T yk){ return 1 + h; }) << endl;                   // 7.2
    cout << impEuler(0, 1, 2, .001, .001, 2000,
      [=](T y, T yk){ return y- yk + 100*h*y; }, [=](T y, T yk){ return 1 + 100 * h; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3

    cout << "Problem 3: Explicit Euler 10^-2" << endl;
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .01, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk - h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.1
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .01, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.2
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .01, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + 100 * h * y; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3

    cout << "Explicit 10^-1" << endl;
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .1, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk - h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.1
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .1, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.2
    cout << Euler(0, 1, 2, .1, .001, 2000, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + 100 * h * y; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3

    cout << "Problem 4: Adam`s Bashforth - Adam's Moulton" << endl;
    cout << AdamBashMoul3(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk - h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.1
    cout << AdamBashMoul3(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.2
    cout << AdamBashMoul3(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + 100 * h * y; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3

    cout << "Problem 5: Runge Kutta" << endl;
    cout << RungeKutta4(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk - h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.1
    cout << RungeKutta4(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + h * y; }) << endl;               // 7.2
    cout << RungeKutta4(0, 1, 2, .001, [=](T y, T yk){ return y - yk + 100 * h * y; }) << endl << endl; // 7.3


Problem 1: Explicit Euler

Problem 2: Implicit Euler

Problem 3: Explicit Euler 10^-2

Explicit 10^-1

Problem 4: Adam`s Bashforth - Adam's Moulton

Problem 5: Runge Kutta

Last Modification date: 3 April 2018