Algorithms and Subroutines for Solving Differential Equations
Routine Name: initMeshB
Author: Philip Nelson
Language: C++
initializes the b
matrix used for the 2D finite difference method
initMeshB(Matrix<T, N, N>& mesh, F f)
Matrix<T, N, N>
- the N
meshF f
- the forcing functionThe b
matrix used to solve the 2D finite difference method
template <typename T, typename F, std::size_t N>
std::array<T, N * N> initMeshB(Matrix<T, N, N>& mesh, F f)
std::array<T, N * N> b;
for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
for (auto j = 0u; j < N; ++j)
b[i * N + j] = f(mesh[i][j]);
return b;
int main()
auto mesh = generateMesh<double, 7>(0, 1);
auto b = initMeshB(mesh, sin);
std::cout << "b\n" << b << std::endl << std::endl;
[ 0.0278 0.0555 0.0832 0.111 0.138 0.0555 0.111 0.166 0.22 0.274 0.0832 0.166 0.247 0.327 0.405 0.111 0.22 0.327 0.43 0.527 0.138 0.274 0.405 0.527 0.64 ]
Last Modification date: <++>10 February 2018